Norm Ravvin

Norman Ravvin’s books include two novels, Lola by Night and Café des Westens, a story collection, Sex, Skyscrapers, and Standard Yiddish, and Hidden Canada: An Intimate Travelogue. His fiction and non-fiction have appeared in magazines across Canada as well as on CBC Radio. A native of Calgary, he lived in Vancouver, Toronto and Fredericton before making his home with his family in Montreal.

[ Large Image ]
The Joyful Child
Norm Ravvin

2011 / Fiction / $24.94
9781554470877 / Trade paper / 224 pp

In his third novel, Norman Ravvin writes about a father and his young son, and the companionship they develop at home and on the road. Returning to the wanderlust of his travelogue Hidden Canada and to the European Jewish past that often underwrites his characters’ lives, Ravvin follows the interconnections of urban living, the experience of travel and abandonment, and a man’s love of neighbourhoods, of jazz and old cars

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Has an electronic edition: 9781554471096

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