Sean Howard

Sean Howard is the author of six collections of poetry in Canada, most recently Trinity: Tribute Sequences for Robert Graves (2022). His work has been widely published in Canada, the US, UK and elsewhere, and featured in The Best of the Best Canadian Poetry in English (2017). Howard is a peace researcher and activist, and adjunct professor of political science at Cape Breton University. He lives in Main-à-Dieu, Cape Breton.

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Sean Howard

2011 / Poetry / $19.95
9781554470969 / Trade paper / 96 pp

Using techniques rooted in William Burroughs’ dada-inspired ‘cut-up’ method, Incitements takes the reader under the surface of three works of prose—Peter Sanger’s literary essay White Salt Mountain, Merritt Gibson’s guidebook Summer Nature Notes and Hans Fallada’s novel Every Man Dies Alone—exploring the poetic landscapes of their would-be unconscious. In the relentless imagistic flux, metaphoric excess and quantum poetics that results, Sean Howard uncovers new relationships and resonances in the prose and remixes them as poetry. As Merritt Gibson cautioned, when you turn over a rock “the animals that live on the undersurface are different from those that live on the uppersurface”; so too when we turn language’s stone.

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Other Books by this Author

Sean Howard

2025 / Canadian Poetry / $22.95 CAN
9781554472765 / Trade paper / 64 pp
Trinity: Tribute Sequences, for Robert Graves
Sean Howard

2022 / Canadian Poetry / $23.95 CAN
9781554472420 / Trade paper / 128 pp
Unrecovered: 9/11 Poems, Then As Now
Sean Howard

2021 / Canadian Poetry / $21.95 CAN
9781554472284 / Trade paper / 112 pp
Ghost Estates
Sean Howard

2018 / Canadian Poetry / $19.95 CAN
9781554471898 / Trade paper / 80 pp
So Many Boys All Doing Right
Sean Howard

2017 / Poetry / $75.00 CAN
Fine / 40 pp
The Photographer’s Last Picture
Sean Howard

2016 / Poetry / $29.95 CAN
9781554471607 / Trade paper / 368 pp

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