Donna Smyth

Donna Smyth lives on an old farm in Hants County, Nova Scotia. In addition to numerous short stories, poems and non-fiction pieces, Smyth has published two novels, Quilt and Subversive Elements, and a young adult novel, Loyalist Runaway, which won the 1992 Dartmouth Fiction Award. Her previous plays include Giant Anna and an adaptation of Alice Through the Looking Glass.

[ Large Image ]
Running to Paradise: A Play About Elizabeth Bishop
Donna Smyth

1999 / Drama / $9.95
9781894031134 / Trade paper / 72 pp

This one-woman play explores the life of Pulitzer-prize-winning writer Elizabeth Bishop (1911–1979), setting Bishop in a Halifax hotel room prior to receiving an honourary degree from Dalhousie University in the fall of 1979, shortly before her death. Includes reproductions of eleven black and white photographs.

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There is also a special edition of the book: 9781894031219

Other Books by this Author

Running to Paradise
Donna Smyth

1999 / Drama / $39.95 CAN
9781894031219 / Fine / 72 pp

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