Russell Elliott

Russell Elliott was an Anglican priest in rural Nova Scotia during the 1940s and 50s. A founding member of the Anglican Fellowship for Social Action (a.k.a ‘the briefcase boys’), Elliott was an avid agent for social change and was later made an honourary canon for his years of dedication to both faith and community. Elliott is retired and lives in Wolfville, NS.

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As the Twig is Bent
Russell Elliott

1999 / Memoir / $19.95
9781894031196 / Trade paper / 180 pp

Edition is out of print

Like many Nova Scotians born during the War years, Russell Elliott’s coming of age reflects a great shift in the Canadian context—from a rural, agricultural-based society toward a modern, urban society. In this memoir, Elliott revisits his youth in New Ross, Nova Scotia, exploring the physical and social environment that was his introduction to the world.

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