Glen Hancock

Glen Hancock has worked as a journalist, editor and columnist. After serving overseas with the RCAF in the Second World War, he worked for many years with Imperial Oil. Hancock was involved in the formation of the School of Journalism at the University of Kings College in Halifax. His books include Charley Goes to War (GP, 2004), My Real Name is Charley: Memoirs of a Grocer's Clerk (Gaspereau Press 2000), History of Acadia University and Nova Scotians and the Houses They Live In. Glen Hancock lives in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. He died in December 2011.

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My Real Name is Charley
Glen Hancock

2001 / Memoir / $19.95
9781894031363 / Trade paper / 208 pp

Edition is out of print

Like many small towns in North America, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, experienced unimaginable change in the last century. For no one were these changes more dramatic than for those who were born in its opening decades—those who witnessed the transition that took place in society following the depression and the World Wars. In this book, Wolfville native Glen Hancock revisits the town of his boyhood in an attempt to catalogue the comings and goings of the pre-war community. From planting to harvest, church to commerce, civic pride to prejudice, Hancock offers a portrait of a community worth celebrating.
“With profound understanding, he has written of a small town as once it was, of the churches and other institutions in the community, and of the people who were the heart and soul of the place.” M. Allen Gibson, The Advertiser

Other Books by this Author

Charley Goes to War
Glen Hancock

2004 / Memoir / $27.95 CAN
9781894031950 / Trade paper / 304 pp

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