Harry Thurston

Harry Thurston is an award-winning poet and journalist whose environmental writing has been published in Audubon, Canadian Geographic, and National Geographic. Thurston lives in Tidnish Bridge, Nova Scotia, and is a Mentor in the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction program at University of King’s College.

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Keeping Watch at the End of the World
Harry Thurston

2015 / Poetry / $20.95
9781554471447 / Trade paper / 112 pp

In Keeping Watch at the End of the World, Harry Thurston explores the ways in which poetry stands sentinel at the edge-places where known and unknown meet. Whether that frontier lies between land and sea, present and past, health and illness, or youth and aging, Thurston holds that the poet’s duty is to survey the horizon and “see things before they take shape,” chronicling occurrences both acute and remote. A poet-naturalist in the tradition of Thoreau, Thurston reminds us of the importance of being fully present in the midst of our own brief lives, of shaping what we see into poetry’s “steeped words—dark, light, and sweetened gifts.”

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Harry Thurston

2023 / Canadian Poetry / $23.95 CAN
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Harry Thurston

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The Deer Yard
Harry Thurston, Allan Cooper

2013 / Poetry / $17.95 CAN
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Broken Vessel: Thirty-five Days in the Desert
Harry Thurston

2007 / Poetry / $15.95 CAN
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A Ship Portrait
Harry Thurston

2005 / Poetry / $49.95 CAN
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A Ship Portrait
Harry Thurston

2005 / Poetry / $18.95 CAN
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If Men Lived on Earth
Harry Thurston

2000 / Poetry / $39.95 CAN
9781894031233 / Fine / 152 pp
If Men Lived on Earth
Harry Thurston

2000 / Poetry / $14.95 CAN
9781894031226 / Trade paper / 152 pp

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