Henry David Thoreau

American poet, essayist, philosopher, naturalist and pacifist Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862) is perhaps best known for Walden, or Life in the Woods written during his stay on Ralph Waldo Emerson’s property outside Concord, MA. Among his other well-known works are Civil Disobedience and The Maine Woods.

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The Dream of the Toad
Henry David Thoreau

2017 / Essay / $25.00
Fine / 12 pp

A short text on (among other things) spring peepers excerpted from Thoreau’s 1853 journal. This 12-page chapbook was printed letterpress in four colours on Mohawk Superfine paper and sewn into Saint Armand Canal paper wrapper. The type was hand composed from fonts of Monotype Baskerville with Linotype ornaments. Limited to 140 copies.

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Other Books by this Author

Henry David Thoreau

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A Button Intercepts the Light and Casts a Shadow
Henry David Thoreau

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Man is Altogether Too Much Insisted On
Henry David Thoreau

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The Library a Wilderness
Henry David Thoreau

2021 / Journal excerpts / $60.00 CAN
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Survey of a Swamp
Henry David Thoreau

2019 / Essay / $25.00 CAN
Fine / 8 pp
Still Deep and Sweet: Henry David Thoreau on Maple Sugaring
Henry David Thoreau

2019 / Essay / $70.00 CAN
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Henry David Thoreau

2009 / Essay / $150.00 CAN
9781554470495 / Fine / 96 pp

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