Ryan Turner

Ryan Turner’s fiction has appeared in various journals including Prairie Fire and The New Quarterly. His first collection, What We’re Made Of, was shortlisted for the ReLit Award in 2010. He lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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Half-Sisters and Other Stories
Ryan Turner

2019 / Short Finction / $28.95
9781554472024 / Trade paper / 224 pp

Ryan Turner’s short stories interrogate the nature of human relationships—between parents and children, siblings, lovers, coworkers, captive and jailer. Setting his characters—their anxieties, triumphs, deceptions, and vulnerabilities—against the backdrop of everyday life, he writes in prose that exhibits complexity without sacrificing the pleasures of narrative. Turner’s uninhibited curiosity fosters a willingness to imagine the discomfort and uncertainty of others, sparking insights into the mechanisms of intimacy and loneliness.

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