Tammy Armstrong

Tammy Armstrong has published two novels and four collections of poetry. Her first collection of poetry, Bogman’s Music, was a finalist for the Governor General’s Literary Award. Recent work has won the iYeats International Poetry Prize, and Prairie Fire’s Bliss Carman Poetry Prize. In 2018, she was a finalist for the National Magazine Awards. She lives in southwestern Nova Scotia.

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Year of the Metal Rabbit
Tammy Armstrong

2019 / Canadian Poetry / $21.95
9781554472031 / Trade paper / 112 pp

Often drawing on the natural world for subject matter and imagery, Tammy Armstrong’s Year of the Metal Rabbit gives slip to snares set by lyric and narrative conventions and bolts for the edges of what poetry can say. Like a long brooding walk into the heart of a stormy night, the thing-filled landscape of Armstrong’s poems is beguilingly kinetic, alive with shadows and chaos, a dreamscape where encounters with flora, fauna, and neighbours prompt uncertainty more often than identification, where ‘we happen in the gaps / in the stranger places.’

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