Jocelyne L. Thompson

Jocelyne L. Thompson is Director of Collections at UNB Libraries and previously occupied the position of Provincial Librarian and Director, New Brunswick Public Library Service. In 2017, she received the Atlantic Provinces Library Association’s Merit Award for contributions to the profession and to the region. She launched the New Brunswickana Project at UNB in 2016 and is founding editor of the New Brunswick Bibliography Series.

Peter F. McNally

Peter F. McNally is Professor Emeritus, McGill University School of Information Studies, and the current Director of the History of McGill Project. He was awarded the Bibliographical Society of Canada’s prestigious Tremaine Medal and Watters-Morely Prize in 2011, in recognition of his contributions to Canadian bibliography, and in particular to the study of Canadian library history. He is the recipient of many other honours, including the Queen Elizabeth II Golden and Diamond Jubilee Medals. He remains an active member of the BSC.

Tony Tremblay

Tony Tremblay is Professor of English at St. Thomas University. He is founding editor of the Journal of New Brunswick Studies/Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick and the New Brunswick Literary Encyclopedia. His recent work includes New Brunswick at the Crossroads: Literary Ferment and Social Change in the East (2017), the New Brunswick Literature Curriculum in English (2017), and The Fiddlehead Moment: Pioneering an Alternative Canadian Modernism in New Brunswick (2019).

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Bibliography of New Brunswick Bibliographies: and Accompanying Essays
Jocelyne L. Thompson, Peter F. McNally, Tony Tremblay

2020 / Bibliograhies and Indexes, Canadian History, Canadian History / $39.95
9781554472079 / Trade paper / 96 pp

New Brunswick Bibliography Series: No. 1

The first volume of the New Brunswick Bibliography Series features Bibliography of New Brunswick Bibliographies by Jocelyne L. Thompson. Detailing over 140 publications— including books, directories, catalogues, guides, indexes, government documents, reports, book chapters, journal articles, and online databases—Thompson’s bibliography reveals both a richness of resources in some subject areas and a serious lack in others, suggesting many possible avenues for future study and publication. Thompson’s bibliography is accompanied by two related essays that provide context for the series: New Brunswick’s Contribution to the World of Knowledge: Collecting & Organizing the Published Record by Peter F. McNally, and Operationalizing Cultural Work in New Brunswick: From Theory to Practice by Tony Tremblay.

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