2022 Catalogue (PDF)

2020 Catalogue (PDF)

2019 Fall Catalogue (PDF)

2019 Spring Catalogue (PDF)

Previous catalogues are listed below the book covers.

You can’t judge a book by its cover, but if you like you can navigate that way. Click on a book jacket to see more information about that book.

2018 Catalogue (PDF)

2017 Spring Catalogue (PDF)

2016 Fall Catalogue (PDF)

2016 Spring Catalogue (PDF)

2015 Fall Catalogue (PDF)

2015 Spring Catalogue (PDF)

2014 Catalogue (PDF)

Fall 2013 Catalogue (PDF)

Spring 2013 Catalogue (PDF)

Cameron Anstee
Tammy Armstrong

Sandra Barry
Brian Bartlett
Cheryl Bartlett
Madeline Bassnett
Wesley Bates
Adam Beardsworth
Dominique Béchard
Ven Begamudré
Wendell Berry
Lindsay Bird
Willard A. Bishop
Soren Bondrup-Nielsen
Tim Bowling
Nicholas Bradley
Binnie Brennan
Robert Bringhurst
Erin Brubacher
Carol Bruneau

Jonathan Campbell
Wanda Campbell
Lesley Choyce
George Elliott Clarke
Jan Conn
Allan Cooper
Ray Cronin
Tom Cull
Matthew Cupido
Jo Currie

Gwendolyn Davies
Richard Davies
Leesa Dean
Michael deBeyer
Jason Dewinetz
Mary di Michele
Trevor C. Dow
Glen Downie
Klara du Plessis
Robin Durnford

Kevin McPherson Eckhoff
Russell Elliott

Laura Farina
Katie Fewster-Yan
Triny Finlay
Robert Finley
Susan R. Fisher
Lisa Fishman
Jonathan Fowler
Gabrielle Fox
Patrick Friesen
Robert Frost
Robert Fulford

Merritt Gibson
Andrew Gillis
Susan Gillis
Michael Goodfellow
Clare Goulet
Sue Goyette
Tonja Gunvaldsen Klaassen

Susan Haldane
Susan Haley
Gordon Haliburton
Sylvia D. Hamilton
William B. Hamilton
Glen Hancock
Jennifer Harris
Mark Harris
Charles Harvey
Keagan Hawthorne
Paul Headrick
David Helwig
Michael Hepher
Thaddeus Holownia
Kenneth R. Holyoke
Gerald Manley Hopkins
Gerald Manley Hopkins
Harold Horwood
Karen Houle
Sean Howard
M. Gabriel Hrynick
Aislinn Hunter

Marilyn Iwama

Heather Jessup
Bruce Johnson
Elena Johnson
Sean Johnston
Jim Johnstone
shalan joudry

Basma Kavanagh
Jake Kennedy
Kate Kennedy
Monica Kidd
Virginia Konchan

Tonya Lailey
Joseph Landry
Carole Glasser Langille
Cory Lavender
Barbara Le Blanc
Stephen Leacock
Ross Leckie
Dennis Lee
Aldo Leopold
John Leroux
Ian LeTourneau
Douglas Lochhead
Earle Lockerby
Pat Lotz
Larry Lynch

Annick MacAskill
Ron MacInnis
Alexander MacLeod
Stephen Marche
Albert Marshall
Murdena Marshall
Lisa Martin-Demoor
Elaine McCluskey
Gil McElroy
Cassidy McFadzean
Ami McKay
Don McKay
Ian McLaren
rob mclennan
Peter F. McNally
Michael Meagher
Ivar Mendez
Keith Mercer
Dana Mills
Eric Mills
Robin E. Muller
Jane Munro



Christopher Patton
Elizabeth Paul
James Perkin
K.I. Press
Heather Pyrcz

Anna Quon

Norm Ravvin
John G. Reid
Monty Reid
Harold Rhenisch
Natalie Rice
Jim Rimmer
Twila Robar-DeCoste
Matt Robinson
William Rueter

Peter Sanger
John Ralston Saul
Gary Saunders
Karen Schindler
Weiland Schmied
Andreas Schultz
Bren Simmers
Anne Simpson
George Sipos
Johanna Skibsrud
Alison Smith
Donna Smyth
Bob Snider
Margot Stafford
Carmine Starnino
Andrew Steeves
Dan Steeves
John Steffler
JJ Steinfeld
Andrew Steinmetz
Samantha Sternberg
Joe Stevens
Maynard Stevens
Alan Syliboy
Gillian Sze

Rob Taylor
John Terpstra
Richard Therrien
Clare Thiessen
Blossom Thom
Jocelyne L. Thompson
John Thompson
Kent Thompson
Henry David Thoreau
Harry Thurston
Kristine Tortora
Tony Tremblay
Ryan Turner
Paul Tyler

D.B. Updike


Alice Walsh
Cyril Welch
Thomas Wharton
Bruce Whiteman
Lance Woolaver
Harrison Wright


Deanna Young

David Zieroth
Jan Zwicky

Blossom Thom

‘Wood Type’ Exhibition Poster: plus four prints from Literarum Ex Arboribus
Andrew Steeves

26 Visions of Light
Natalie Rice

A Button Intercepts the Light and Casts a Shadow
Henry David Thoreau

A Prospectus for a Wood Type Edition of Gerard Manley Hopkins’s ‘Pied Beauty’
Andrew Steeves

Ab Incommodo: An Annotated Checklist of Limited Edition Letterpress-printed Books and Broadsides
Andrew Steeves

Monica Kidd

Africadian History: An Exhibition Catalogue
George Elliott Clarke

After the Harvest
Keagan Hawthorne

Matt Robinson

Aiken Drum
Peter Sanger

Alan Syliboy: Culture is Our Medicine
Ray Cronin

Alex Colville: A Rebellious Mind
Ray Cronin

All New Animal Acts: Essays, Stretchers, Poems
Don McKay

All the Birds of Nova Scotia
Ian McLaren

All This Town Remembers
Sean Johnston

Alma Elegies, The
Allan Cooper

An Expectation of Home
Larry Lynch

And I Alone Escaped to Tell You
Sylvia D. Hamilton

Annotated Bee and Me, The
Tim Bowling

Anthesis: A Memoir
Sue Goyette

Anton Chekhov was Never in Charlottetown
JJ Steinfeld

As the Twig is Bent
Russell Elliott

Assertions of Likeness
Lisa Martin-Demoor

At The Crossroads: A History of Sackville, New Brunswick
William B. Hamilton

Audubon in Nova Scotia: An Excerpt from the Journals of John James Audubon
Eric Mills

August: An Anniversary Suite
Tonja Gunvaldsen Klaassen

Banker, Builder, Blockade Runner: A Victorian Embezzler and His Circle
Pat Lotz

Bard of the Universe, The
Dennis Lee

Beaver Books for a Dime: A Bibliographic History of the Children's Books of Brunswick Press 1952-1984
Susan R. Fisher, Margot Stafford

Before Combustion
Nicholas Bradley

Bibliography of New Brunswick Architecture
John Leroux

Bibliography of New Brunswick Bibliographies: and Accompanying Essays
Jocelyne L. Thompson, Peter F. McNally, Tony Tremblay

Biorachan Road
Peter Sanger

George Elliott Clarke

Blame it on the Spruce Budworm
Susan Haley

George Elliott Clarke

Blue River
Aldo Leopold

Body Parts
Anna Quon

Bone Sharps, The
Tim Bowling

Boom Time
Lindsay Bird

Boys, or, Waiting for the Electrician’s Daughter, The
John Terpstra

Branches Over Ripples: A Waterside Journal
Brian Bartlett

Brendan Luck
John Terpstra

Brief Reincarnation of a Girl, The
Sue Goyette

Brilliant Falls
John Terpstra

Brindley Town
Lance Woolaver

Broken Vessel: Thirty-five Days in the Desert
Harry Thurston

Brunswick Archaeology: Works to 2022
Trevor C. Dow, Kenneth R. Holyoke, M. Gabriel Hrynick

Bull Island
Sean Johnston

Call Me Home
John Terpstra

Calmly, Intelligently, Persistently: Daniel Berkeley Updike on the Press in a Time of Crisis
D.B. Updike

Carl Dair and the Cartier Typeface: Selected Correspondence
Kristine Tortora

Carpentry of Words and Wood, A
John Terpstra

Chance Encounters with Wild Animals
Monica Kidd

Change in a Razor-backed Season
Michael deBeyer

Charley Goes to War
Glen Hancock

Circa Nineteen Hundred and Grief
Tim Bowling

Kevin McPherson Eckhoff

Jason Dewinetz

Colleen Wolstenholme: Complications: Complications
Ray Cronin

Colville Tributes
Robert Fulford, Cyril Welch, Andreas Schultz, Weiland Schmied

Come One Thing Another
Cory Lavender

Complaints Department, The
Susan Haley

Complaints Department, The
Susan Haley

Contributor’s Notes
Monty Reid

Curious Masonry
Christopher Patton

Cycle of the Sun
Harold Horwood

Deactivated West 100
Don McKay

Deer Yard, The
Harry Thurston, Allan Cooper

Defining Range
Ian LeTourneau

Devotional Diary: Short Prayers for Busy People
James Perkin

Diagnostic Tool
Laura Farina

Dirty Words: Selected Poems 1997-2016
Carmine Starnino

John Terpstra

Basma Kavanagh

Divisions of the Heart: Elizabeth Bishop and the Art of Memory and Place
Sandra Barry, Peter Sanger, Gwendolyn Davies

Dogberry Charges the Watch: Being A Snippet from His Comedy ‘Much Ado About Nothing’
Andrew Steeves

Dream of the Toad, The
Henry David Thoreau

Drunkard’s Path
Deanna Young

Christopher Patton

Karen Houle

Eva’s Threepenny Theatre
Andrew Steinmetz

Everthing We’ve Loved Comes Back To Find Us
Allan Cooper

Everywhere Being is Dancing: Twenty Pieces of Thinking
Robert Bringhurst

Execution Poems
George Elliott Clarke

Execution Poems
George Elliott Clarke

Experiments in Distant Influence: Notes and Poems
Anne Simpson

Falling Into Place
John Terpstra

Falling Into Place
John Terpstra

Farm: Lot 23
Tonya Lailey

Fast-Vanishing Speech
Christopher Patton, Klara du Plessis, Lisa Fishman, Jim Johnstone

Tim Bowling

Field Notes for the Alpine Tundra
Elena Johnson

Figure a Poem Makes, The
Robert Frost

Filling Station, The
Leesa Dean

Final Impressions: A Bibliography of the Aliquando Press
William Rueter

Fireship: Early Poems, 1965–1991
Peter Sanger

Bruce Johnson

Fishwork, Dear
Alison Smith

fist made and then un-made, a
Matt Robinson

Folklore of Lunenburg County
Michael Goodfellow

Jan Zwicky

Four Trees and a Rhubarb Patch
Andrew Steeves

Gillian Sze

Frost Broadside
Robert Frost

Gabriel’s Wing
Allan Cooper

Robin Durnford

Gaspereau Gloriatur: Book of the Blessed Tenth Year, Vol. 2: Prose
Michael deBeyer, Kate Kennedy

Gaspereau Gloriatur: Book of the Blessed Tenth Year, Vol.1: Poetry
Michael deBeyer, Kate Kennedy

Generations Re-merging
shalan joudry

Geography of Arrival: A Memoir, The
George Sipos

Gerald Ferguson: Thinking of Painting
Ray Cronin

German Mills
John Steffler

Getting Out of Town by Book and Bike
Kent Thompson

Ghost Estates
Sean Howard

Glenn Goluska in Toronto
Andrew Steeves

Glorious Light: The Stained Glass of Fredericton
John Leroux

George Elliott Clarke

Grand River Watershed, The: A Folk Ecology
Karen Houle

Graphis scripta / writing lichen
Clare Goulet

Gravity and Grace: Selected Writing on Contemporary Canadian Art
Gil McElroy

Gravity’s Plumb Line
Ross Leckie

Half Rock
Robin Durnford

Half-Sisters and Other Stories
Ryan Turner

Haliburton Bi-centenary Chaplet: The 1996 Thomas Raddall Symposium
Richard Davies

Handbound Book in Nova Scotia, The
Robin E. Muller, Joseph Landry

Handfuls of Bone
Monica Kidd

Hard Bargain Road
Susan Haldane

Harry Ploughman
Gerald Manley Hopkins

Wanda Campbell

Hector Maclean: The Writings of a Loyalist-Era Military Settler in Nova Scotia
Jo Currie, Keith Mercer, John G. Reid

Herménégilde Chiasson: In Acadie
Ray Cronin

Home and Away: Selected Missiontalk Columns, 1991–1998
Charles Harvey

Horton Point: A History of Avonport
Gordon Haliburton

House with the Parapet Wall, The
John Terpstra

I Am What I Am Because You Are What You Are
Carole Glasser Langille

I Do Not Think that I Could Love a Human Being
Johanna Skibsrud

I Got It From An Elder: Conversations in Healing Language
Marilyn Iwama, Murdena Marshall, Albert Marshall, Ivar Mendez, Cheryl Bartlett

I’mpossible collab
Klara du Plessis

If Men Lived on Earth
Harry Thurston

If, When
Bren Simmers

In Black & White: A Wood Engraver’s Odyssey
Wesley Bates

In Black & White: A Wood Engraver’s Odyssey
Wesley Bates

In the small hours: Thirty-nine months & seven days
Erin Brubacher

In the Suicide’s Library: A Book Lover’s Journey
Tim Bowling

Sean Howard

Jack McMaster
Andrew Steeves

Jeremiah Bancroft at Fort Beauséjour and Grand-Pré
Jonathan Fowler, Earle Lockerby

Jerome: The Historical Spectacle
Ami McKay

John Greer: Hard Thought
Ray Cronin

John Stokes’ Horse
Peter Sanger

Joseph Howe and the Battle for Freedom of Speech
John Ralston Saul

Joseph Stevens: Arch bibliophile
Joe Stevens

Joyful Child, The
Norm Ravvin

Keeping Watch at the End of the World
Harry Thurston

Peter Sanger

Kill Your Starlings
Tom Cull

Alexander MacLeod

Larkspur Press: Forty Years of Making Letterpress Books in a Rural Kentucky Community, 1974–2014
Gabrielle Fox

Late Nights With Wild Cowboys
Johanna Skibsrud

Lawson Roy’s Revelation
Cory Lavender

Lazy Bastardism: Essays & Reviews on Contemporary Poetry
Carmine Starnino

Tonja Gunvaldsen Klaassen

Learning to Swim
Larry Lynch

Carmine Starnino

Library a Wilderness, The
Henry David Thoreau

Light That Lives in Darkness, The
Mark Harris, Dan Steeves

Peter Sanger

Lightning Field, The
Heather Jessup

Like Any Other Monday
Binnie Brennan

Likely They Didn’t Get the Memo: A Radio Story
Willard A. Bishop

Linger, Still
Aislinn Hunter

Listen All You Bullets: A Novel
Sean Johnston

Listening Year
Samantha Sternberg

Logogryph, The: A Bibliography of Imaginary Books
Thomas Wharton

Lost River: The Waters of Remembrance, A Memoir
Harry Thurston

Love and the Mess We’re In
Stephen Marche

Lyric Philosophy
Jan Zwicky

Machines vs. Handwork
D.B. Updike

Maggie’s Family
Susan Haley

Makeready: An interview with Gray Zeitz of Larkspur Press
Andrew Steeves, Michael Hepher

Man is Altogether Too Much Insisted On
Henry David Thoreau

Man Who Said No, The: Reading Jacob Bailey, Loyalist
Kent Thompson

Marram Grass, The: Poetry & Otherness
Anne Simpson

Mary Pratt: Still Light: Still Light
Ray Cronin

Maud Lewis: Creating an Icon
Ray Cronin

Merchant of Venice (Retried), The
George Elliott Clarke

Merging: Contemplations on Farming & Ecology from Horseback
Soren Bondrup-Nielsen

Mermaid: A Puppet Theatre in Motion
Alice Walsh

Douglas Lochhead

John Terpstra

Sue Goyette

Mother Firth’s
rob mclennan

Murder of Medicine Bear, The
Susan Haley

Annick MacAskill

Muskwa Assemblage, The
Don McKay

My Life with Trees
Gary Saunders

My Real Name is Charley
Glen Hancock

Naturalism, An Annotated Bibliography
Michael Goodfellow

News, The
Rob Taylor

Natalie Rice

Nights on Prospect Street
Heather Pyrcz

No Meeting Without Body
Annick MacAskill

No Place Like
Adam Beardsworth

Notes: Unspecializing Poetry
Wendell Berry

Notes on Printing and Publishing Literary Books
Andrew Steeves, Wesley Bates

Susan Gillis

Sue Goyette

Odysseus Asleep: Uncollected Sequences, 1994-2019
Peter Sanger

Of Things Unknown: Critical Essays, 1978–2005
Peter Sanger

Peter Sanger

On Performing
Bob Snider

On Songwriting
Bob Snider

One Dog Town
Dominique Béchard

Orkney: October Diary
Douglas Lochhead

Sean Howard

Palominos: And other Poems
David Zieroth

Peeling Rambutan
Gillian Sze

Sue Goyette

Petitot: A Novel
Susan Haley

Triny Finlay

Photographer’s Last Picture, The
Sean Howard

Picking Stones
Susan Haldane

Pie Tree Press: Memories from the Composing Room Floor
Jim Rimmer

Pied Beauty
Gerald Manley Hopkins

Pivot Point
Bren Simmers

Plato as Artist
Jan Zwicky

Poems for Reluctant Housewives
Jennifer Harris

Postcards from Acadie: Grand-Pré, Evangeline and The Acadian Identity
Barbara Le Blanc

Print Shop Chicanery
Andrew Steeves, Wesley Bates

Probing Minds, Salamander Girls and a Dog Named Sally: A Hubbard Mountain Memoir
Harrison Wright

Pukaskwa: A Naturalist’s Year Surveying Birds in the Lake Superior Wilderness
Soren Bondrup-Nielsen

George Elliott Clarke

Quest for the Magic Appletree, The
Matthew Cupido, Ron MacInnis

Ragged Pen, A: Essays on Poetry & Memory
Jan Zwicky, Robert Finley, Patrick Friesen, Aislinn Hunter, Anne Simpson

George Elliott Clarke

Refrain for Rental Boat #4
Tim Bowling

John Terpstra

Susan Gillis, Jan Conn, Mary di Michele, Jane Munro

Rod McDonald @ Gaspereau Press
Andrew Steeves

Rublev Horse, The
Jake Kennedy

Running to Paradise: A Play About Elizabeth Bishop
Donna Smyth

Rural Night Catalogue
Michael deBeyer

Sad Mechanic Exercise, The
Bruce Whiteman

Sad Truth, The
Karen Schindler

Safety Last
Brian Bartlett

Sam Slick Goes Ahead
Andrew Gillis

Natalie Rice

Sea Run: Notes on John Thompson’s Stilt Jack
Peter Sanger

Selected Poems
Robert Bringhurst

Sentimentalists, The
Johanna Skibsrud

Michael Meagher

Shadow Blight
Annick MacAskill

Shell of the Tortoise, The: Four Essays & an Assemblage
Don McKay

Ship Portrait, A
Harry Thurston

Henry David Thoreau

Short History of Forgetting, A
Paul Tyler

Should the Word Hell be Capitalized?
JJ Steinfeld

Singing the Flowers Open
Allan Cooper

Six Mats and One Year
Alison Smith

Sixty Over Twenty: Letterpress Books & Broadsides Printed at Gaspereau Press, 1997–2017
Andrew Steeves

Skin Boat: Acts of faith and other navigations
John Terpstra

Sky Every Day
Cameron Anstee

Slipsheets: An incidental printing of Gerald Manley Hopkin’s “Pied Beauty”
Andrew Steeves, Christopher Patton

Smoke Proofs: Essays on Literary Publishing, Printing & Typography
Andrew Steeves

So Many Boyes All Doing Right
Sean Howard

Solid Form of Language, The
Robert Bringhurst

Solstice 2020: An Archive
Sue Goyette

Some Nights It’s Entertainment; Some Other Nights Just Work
Matt Robinson

Someone Somewhere
Dana Mills

Sound Like Water Dripping, A: In Search of the Boreal Owl
Soren Bondrup-Nielsen

Spar: Words in Place
Peter Sanger

K.I. Press

St. Andrews Architecture 1604–1966
Thaddeus Holownia, John Leroux

Still Deep and Sweet: Henry David Thoreau on Maple Sugaring
Henry David Thoreau

Stilt Jack
John Thompson

Stone Canoe, The: Two Lost Mi’kmaq Texts
Peter Sanger, Elizabeth Paul, Alan Syliboy

Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town
Stephen Leacock

Surrender & Resistance
Katie Fewster-Yan

Survey of a Swamp
Henry David Thoreau

Tangled and Cleft
Matt Robinson

Jonathan Campbell

Sylvia D. Hamilton

That Tree Is Mine
Virginia Konchan

That Tune Clutches My Heart
Paul Headrick

The November Optimist
David Zieroth

Third State of Being
Cassidy McFadzean

Thirty-seven Small Songs & Thirteen Silences
Jan Zwicky

This Kind of Thinking Does No Good
Alison Smith

This Way Out
Carmine Starnino

Through Darkling Air: The Poetry of Richard Outram
Peter Sanger

Tiger Poems
Clare Thiessen

Tool Shed
Glen Downie

Town Limits
Heather Pyrcz

Travels of the Watch
Brian Bartlett

Tree of Meaning, The: Thirteen Talks
Robert Bringhurst

Tree Whisperer, The: Writing Poetry by Living in the World
Harold Rhenisch

Trinity: Tribute Sequences, for Robert Graves
Sean Howard

Trudeau: Long March, Shining Path
George Elliott Clarke

Twenty Views of the Lachine Rapids
Susan Gillis

Two or Three Guitars: Selected Poems
John Terpstra

Type Bountiful
Andrew Steeves

Types of Canadian Women
K.I. Press

Typographic Mind, The
Robert Bringhurst

Typographical Eras
Lesley Choyce

Harry Thurston

Unarmoured Excursions
Richard Therrien

Under the Gamma Camera
Madeline Bassnett

unfurl: Four Essays: Four Essays
Klara du Plessis

Unlikeness Is Us: Fourteen from the Exeter Book
Christopher Patton

Unrecovered: 9/11 Poems, Then As Now
Sean Howard

Ursa Major
Robert Bringhurst

Ursa Major
Robert Bringhurst

Heather Pyrcz

Vis à Vis: Field notes on Poetry & Wilderness
Don McKay

Vishnu Dreams
Ven Begamudré

Vision in Wood and Stone, A: The Architecture of Mount Allison University
Thaddeus Holownia, John Leroux

Voles, Not Moles
Soren Bondrup-Nielsen

Annick MacAskill

Waking Ground
shalan joudry

Henry David Thoreau

Watermelon Social, The
Elaine McCluskey

Rob Taylor

Wedding House, The
Alison Smith

Where the Pressed Earth Shines Most
Henry David Thoreau

Where They Rest in Peace: A Guided Tour of Seven Historic Cemeteries in Kings County, Nova Scotia
Maynard Stevens

Wherefore Wildlife Ecology?
Aldo Leopold

George Elliott Clarke

White Salt Mountain: Words in Time
Peter Sanger

Why Men Fish Where They Do
Carol Bruneau

Whylah Falls
George Elliott Clarke

Winter Nature: Common Mammals, Birds, Trees and Shrubs of the Maritimes
Merritt Gibson, Soren Bondrup-Nielsen, Twila Robar-DeCoste

Wisdom & Metaphor
Jan Zwicky

Wisdom & Metaphor
Jan Zwicky

With English Subtitles
Carmine Starnino

Work, The
Bren Simmers

World Naked Bike Ride
Lisa Fishman

Would You Hide Me?
JJ Steinfeld

Write, Print, Fold and Staple: On Poetry and Micropress in Canada
Jim Johnstone

Writing the Common: Poetry Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Halifax Common, 1763–2013
Multiple Authors


Year of Our Beautiful Exile, The
Monica Kidd

Year of the Metal Rabit
Tammy Armstrong

Year One, The
David Helwig

yes, yes,YES!
Douglas Lochhead


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